Thursday, August 7, 2008

Books > Real Life

So I finished reading Breaking Dawn last night -- and now I don't know what to do with myself. I literally spent the last two days sitting on my couch devouring this book, only taking breaks to eat and go to the bathroom. I pre-ordered my book on Amazon, being the deal-loving gal that I am. I thought my book would arrive on August 2nd, the same day everyone else was getting there book....but nooooo mine didn't arrive at my doorstep until August 5th at approximately 3pm. I almost attacked the UPS guy when he finally brought me my book. After I got my book I was totally useless until I finished it because my life could not go on until I knew the fate of Bella, Edward, and Jacob.

Now the real point of this post is not to pontificate about my hopeless devotion to the Twilight saga and Stephenie Meyer's amazing writing -- the point of this post is for me to talk about my devotion to any book I read. Whenever I get a new book I can barely put the thing down. It's not like I'm even reading anything that intellectually stimulating -- I tend to stick to lighthearted chick-lit most of the time. (I've read the entire Shopaholic series at least four times. Sad...I know) I get so into what I'm reading and I get lost in the world that the characters live in. For however long that I'm reading a book I become a part of that world.

For the most part when I finish a book I just move on to a new book that same day or the next and get lost in yet another world of fictional characters. However, when I'm reading something particularly fabulous, say Harry Potter or Twilight, I'm kind of a mess for a few days after I finish the book. It's not like I lay in bed all day with the covers over my head, sobbing over the fact that my book is finished -- it's more of a feeling that I'm still stuck in that book world and reality just isn't quite as interesting.

What I'm wondering is if anyone else ever feels this way -- or am I just completely crazy?

My obsession with books always reminds me of this line from You've Got Mail when Meg Ryan is writing one of her adorablely insightful emails to Tom Hanks.

"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, not small, but valuable. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."

I totally understand how she feels! I'm not complaining about my life or anything, I'm extremely blessed and have a great life...but isn't life always so much cooler in books? And maybe like Kathleen Kelly I don't really want answers to any of the questions I've posed in this post. Rather I'd just like to see if anyone else feels the way I do about reading. So get to commenting my dear friends.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Leggings + Bandanas + Diet Coke with Raspberry and Lime + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious (I think that's how the songs goes...)

Last Friday night at about 8:00 pm MST, Anne and I had absolutely no plans -- because that is just the kind of girls we are (the kind who have nothing to do on a Friday night). So we thought we would try and better ourselves in order to attract more Friday night fun by going running...but first I decided to rent Provo's favorite movie...(according to the people who work at Blockbuster)...the heartwarming story of a girl born with a pig nose who comes to love herself and finds a way to break the curse that gave her a snout and weird little flappy pig ears.

After going to two different Blockbusters I finally returned home triumphant, with my DVD of choice in hand. Then Anne and I decided that we didn't really want to go running and that we would rather just go to Maverick and get Diet Coke.

As we were getting ready to leave the house I said to Anne:

"Anne, if we are going to be uber-cool blogging girls from now own we really need to spice up our weekends. I propose we start having THEME nights."

Anne responded:

"Kaitlyn, I think that is a grand idea! What should our theme be tonight?"

And I said:

"Well it's a little too late to have a theme tonight so why don't we just wait until next week."

To which Anne replied:

"It's never to late for a theme night! Let's just think of something!"

Well...since I was already wearing my treasured black Gap Body spandex leggings I suggested that our theme be the ever popular Legging Night! Which, upon the discovery that i had a plethora of colorful bandannas, became...dah dah dah dum..."Legging and Bandanna Theme Night"!

Anne and I were sooo excited! We promptly called our trusty sidekick, Brillante, and informed her that she too had to wear leggings if she were to participate in the evenings activities. Then Anne in I jumped in my truck, turned up "I Kissed A Girl" (which is really the only song you can listen to on a Legging and Bandanna Theme Night) and sang our way over to Brillante's apartment and then on to Maverick!

After picking up some refreshing 32oz Diet Cokes and a $5 bag of Red Vines we jetted back to our apartment for a little pre-movie photo shoot.

So without further ado...ANTM -- Legging and Bandanna Theme Night Style.

Just look at those gorgeous girls all ready for theme night!

Watch out for Brijante!


IV Real!


Apparently holding on to a chair makes your butt look really good...who knew!

I just want to be alone with my Diet Coke.

Caffeine does strange things to Anne...

...and to me

Don't ever get between a girl and her Red Vines!

American Gothic...Maverick Style!

Things got a little wild when we decided to head into the great outdoors...
P.S. Did anyone notice that I suddenly grew a valossa raptor like thumb?

Brillante just had to sit on top of a parked car...

...forcing us to run from the Provo po-po!

But just when we thought we were cornered...

...we busted out our amazing leaping moves!

Which, of course dazzled the po-po into letting us go!

I guess all those years of dance class finally paid off!

And finally the feature presentation!